Thursday 21 July 2016

The final day


The past four days have been an experience that I would love to repeat over and over again. The authors, the discussions, the learning that I have taken on board would have to make this the most interesting subject that I have undertaken at University. Also the versatility of the content. I approached this from the perspective of what I can take into a classroom whereas there were Arts students looking at the course to enhance their craft.

The last day was a wrap up of what we have learnt as well as looking at the research project.

THEN we got to go on a paddleboat.

We were told to look at the trip and write down the verbs and nouns.

The ways that simple objects can be looked at with this in mind is amazing.
A tree for example is a tree. But the tree has bark both light and dark, contrasting due to the clouded sky creating deeper colours. The branches so strong and powerful, holding up to nature until nature decided to fell them and they come crashing down to provide safe harbour for native fish and turtles. The life that is now dead providing more life. The leaves blowing gently in the breeze, making sounds so subtle you need to strain to hear what they are saying.

This is an example of the many things that I focused on during the trip and was a good finish to a wonderful course.

Then we had lunch at The Office which was a good farewell to all that we had met.

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