Tuesday 19 July 2016

Looking at the senses - 14/07/2016 Art Visit

Getting out of the classroom we were able to look at some art pieces located a short walk away. Art, being very subjective, was on display and we had to choose a piece and think of the senses that were triggered when identifying with a selected piece.

I chose the dolls head on the four legs. I believe this is because of my love for the horror genre when it comes to movies and books.


It looks like a dolls head. a Chucky doll, that has been attached to a four legged spidery type mechanical device.
It looks like a blend between flesh and machine.
It looks like a nightmare come to life.


Human flesh, soft, supple, baby like. the feeling of innocence.
Exposed brain, the touch sending off warning signs that something is not right, a darkness. That something that gives you a squirmy feeling.
I can feel the metal, cold, hard, immovable, unrelenting, strong and forceful.


I smell rotting flesh, blood, death as well as a blend of talcum powder and baby oil.
I can smell the metal, oil - that is used to lubricate machines - a sharpness to it.


I can taste death, A hint of blood mixed with a cold metallic taste with a hint of the lubricating oil. That metallic taste that you get after an injection (sometimes) that tells your mind one thing but you know that it is not there and you fight the sensation.


I can hear the flesh move as the metallic legs clatter on the floor, sharp, deliberate sounds, a sense of purpose and foreboding with the echo that it creates.
I can hear the sound of a small machine as it moves, the low hum of a motor that could be background noise, but as it gets closer the humming intensifies, getting faster, causing the hairs to stand on end, the sound being deep it is hard to distinguish its origin.

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