Tuesday 19 July 2016

Poem - The first in 20(ish) years :) 14/07/2016

During the session we were asked to write a poem with the only defining features being that they had to have

In the beginning

and I don't know why

and then we had to think for ourselves.

So here we go

In the beginning there was one,
this was followed by another two,
but soon they came by the three,
until that time when another four
arrived, finally as the time ran low five
more came and the class was a go.

I don't know why we followed the numbers,
was it luck or was it composed
to come in numbers, one, two three followed closely by the four and five
the class was quiet but debate soon raged,
are we but numbers set on a page,
let's not all moan or rage.

The final words are not set,
Should I use one or two or three
but follow the set. Use four and
five to keep the stanza alive
We are now done, the stanza is done
Let us go and have some fun

I would probably need to spend a bit more time editing this to get the flow that I am looking for, but as my first poem in quite a while I think I have a good start to work with.

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