Wednesday 20 July 2016

David Malouf, Olga Larenzo and Tony Birch

The most endearing part of this session is where Olga quotes David who is sitting less than 2 meters away.

The quote of the session goes to David Malouf " A short story has to focus on a single incident/character. No large gestures. A novel can really create a version of experience or the world of experience with all the contradictions."
This was a powerful piece of advice and when Tony and Olga are hanging off of every word you know that he knows what he is talking about. This is also where the 'aha' award came up as during the conversation Tony was explaining something but not quite nailing it when Davis adds to what he says and you could see the light bulb switch on and Tony nearly jumping out of his chair and saying "That's it". From a literary viewpoint listening to these three authors was one of the most in-depth moments. The way they discussed the craft and reinforced what the others were saying was amazing. The session also showed that the longer you do something the wiser you can get as what Olga and Tony talked about was good but when David added his experience the clarity was there almost immediately.

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